The Railway Carriage Theater to Treno sto Rouf and Kyfanta Publications invite you to discover TWENTY-FOUR DETECTIVE STORIES ON THE RAILS. 


Erika Athanasiou, Claire Theodorou, Yiannis Moschos, Angelos Chariatis and Yiannis Houtopoulos will guide us through twenty-four different mysteries that come together in a twenty-fifth story!


IN THE COLLECTION PARTICIPATE: A. Dahl, Gr. Azariadis, E. Athanasiou, E. Vardaki, A. Vrosgos, N. Galanopoulos, Chr. Giannakenas, S. Gakas, A. Goltsos, F. Dousos, Kl. Theodorou, Sp. Kakatsakis, T. Michaelides, A. Mostrios, G. Moschos, K. Moschou, E. Bolonasi, A. Myroforidis, V. Papadopoulou, T. Papathanasiou, M. Handziara, A. Chariatis, V. Hassandra, E. Housni.


Thursday 30 January at 19:00 at the Theater Wagon of the Railway Carriage Theater to Treno sto Rouf.

Free admission.
First come first served