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The Twelve Coupes (3rd season)
Festivalfrom 24 May 2013
The Twelve Coupes (3rd season)

The 3ο Festival of Young Artist,"The 12 Coupes" an established institution that it is successfully organized by “The train at Roof” Theatre and Tatiana Ligari for two years , will be held for a third season, from 24 of May until 2 of June.

Newly formed artists groups and solo artists from all the froms of art, with center the New Wagon of the Train, "invade" everywhere and create original performances from the areas of theater, music, dancing, fotography, art and video art etc.

A special "railway" festival, whose heart beats in the 12 private appartements(coupe), where small groups of passengers travel with the artists, in a close, private and interactive environment.

All groups are presented in a rolling programm of 4 hours , from 8am until 12 at midnigth with feelings of unpredictable creativity and artistic euphoria. The crowd, with a very cheap 4euro ticket can watch up to 4 perfomances per day, based on seat vacancies.

Participating artists
Group 7" Me to traino sto myalo mou", Group Abnormal "Synevi ktes", Group Cumulus" Kinitro", Group Dreams Dolls"Sti Mosxa Aderfes mou sti Mosxa", Group Gras"Endgame", Group No more Artists "H polythrona" , Group Iptamenoi Anthrwpoi " Carte postale", Group Sin Athiro "Ena patamithi tis psixis" , Group Texnasma "Taksidi epistrofis",  Ioanna Apostolopoulou-Kostantinos Petrou" I Athopetou" , Xrisa Daditsou-Pilenopi Triantafylou "Endimaton to Anagnosma", Panagiota Kore" Invitation to board", Alenxandra Miresioti " Einai/den einai", Lela Ramoglou" Min Min", Marina-Despina GermanouGewrgia Salampasi-katerina Tzoba-Xaralampos Blaxos- Despina-Marina Samara "To theorima tou Pou-An-Care(Poincare) and the music bands Marios Laz Ioanidis with ML Project και Verbal Delirium

Everyday from 24 of May until 2 Of June, from 8am

4 € for 4 perfomances per day.