The iconic musical show that has won the hearts of thousands of spectators since 2014, returns renewed to the Music Express Orient Express of the Railway Carriage Theater Train to Treno sto Rouf.
And this winter, the original show takes us on a journey through time following the stops and cities of the legendary Paris-Istanbul route of the "King of Trains" Orient Express.
Through the magical melodies and songs of Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, Maurice Chevalier, Tino Rossi, Kurt Weill and Nino Rota as well as great Greek composers, the audience will meet princes and kings, famous actors, notorious spies, diplomats and politicians , people of the spirit and flamboyant businessmen. They will be transported to cosmopolitan Paris of bohemians and aristocrats, restless Berlin, romantic Venice, traditional Budapest, Bucharest and Belgrade, neoclassical Athens, melodious Sofia and sensual Istanbul of spies and emigrants.
A cosmopolitan experience with unexpected stories and musical aromas that only 32 lucky spectators will experience in the original setting of the Musci Wagon Orient Express!
Athina Routsi in multilingual singing, Lefki Karpodini on piano and Dimitris Papalamprou on guitar, bass and vocals.
Music Wagon Orient Express
Every Friday at 21.30 from November 8th
show duration 120 minutes (with intermission)
Song: Athena Routsi
Piano: Lefki Karpodini
Guitar-Bass-Vocals: Dimitris Papalamprou
Orchestrations: Alcestis Rautopoulou