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Trees, bloom or not it's no matter to me
Musical performancefrom 29 September 2001

On the rails of the railway station at Rouf, we have been traveling this theatrical season too, along with Tatiana Lygari, in marvelous music sceneries with the Musical Wagon "Orient Express" of the Railway Carriage Theater “to Treno sto Rouf”, where for a second consecutive year it is successfully presenting the original musical "Trees, bloom or not, 'tis no matter to me".

This rare and pre-reserved wagon, the Wagon – Restaurant of the famous “Orient Express” of 1924, a true jewel with historic and esthetic values, was renovated entirely by Tatiana Ligari, while she maintained the old elements as to bring into life the atmosphere and style of that legendary era.

Within this magical decoration of this historical wagon, only thirty spectators every night, except Mondays, have the opportunity to live a unique experience, enjoying their dinner and drinks from the “Aria Tastes” which takes care with subtle tastes and exceptional service.

This small and cozy company can enjoy in this first part, a unique program of poetry composed into music from thirteen of the most important Greek composers in an original composition, can also dine during the intermission with Oriental tastes and sing along in this second part, beloved and well known songs of Hatzidakis, Theodorakis, Loizos, Mikroutsikos, Xarhakos etc.

Singers (alphabetically):
Vasilis Gisdakis
Kati Koulia

Actors (alphabetically) :
Tatiana Ligari (Tuesday, Wednesday)
Maria Tsima (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Musicians (alphabetically) :
Anna Theodoratou (flute)
Thodoris Lygnos (double bass)
Giorgos Makaris (guitar – mandolin)
Alkistis Raftopoulou (piano)

Stage Designer – Direction: Tatiana Ligari
Poem Suggestions and Selections: Kostas Georgousopoulos Sonia Ilinskayia
Literature: Maria Tsima
Stage Designer: Lea Kousi
Music Direction: Giorgos Papadakis
Lighting: Sakis Birbilis

Trees, bloom or not it's no matter to me